Monday, April 28, 2008

Demonata 2--The Demon Thief

This post was submitted by one of my students, Jon Fajardo. Thanks Jon!!

In the book there is this boy named, Kennel Fleck. He is a young magician who can open portals to other universes es, like demon universes. Kennel is a bit weird in the beginning, but he gets cooler during the middle. And he has a little brother named Ant, it turns out that his brother is something he is not supposed to be. Kennel has to figure out a tricky question. Read the book and you'll know what I mean.

I thought that it was a great book. In the beginning it wasn't so good, but as it goes on it's great. I recommend this to anybody that liked book 1.

I think in book 3 the characters will change. In book 1 the character was Grubb Grady, now it's Kennel Fleck, so I think that it will effect book 3 too. Also in book 1 we had a character named Lord Loss. He is in both books so I think he's going appear again in book 3.

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